Black Hijab According to the Ulama of Yemen
Some devout Muslim who thinks that the only color that Muslim dress 'nyunnah' is black. If there is a dress with any color other than black-color-then he has not become a true Muslim. Worse yet, there are who think that black is a benchmark that bermanhaj Salaf Muslim. This means that if a Muslim clothing color instead of black then he is not Muslim Salafiyyah (muslimah who bermanhaj salaf).
To assess the assumptions above, let us refer to the fatwa of a scholar expert Sunnah in Yemen at this time of Sheikh Abdullah bin Uthman Dzimari adz. The fatwa was he to say in a question and answer session after the lecture that he convey with the title 'Barokah Tamassuk bis Sunnah' (blessing Teguh Sticking to the Sunnah / Teachings of the Prophet). The lecture was to convey him on 19 1427 H Shofar on the radio ad Durus as Salafiyyah minal Yemen. His fatwa on Muslim women wear the color is exactly there at minute 59:47 - 1:02:39. Records of this study is on us.
Here is the transcript fatwa he and Translation.
القارئ: هذا السائل من ليبيا يقول ما الضابط للون بالنسبة لحجاب المرأة المسلمة الشرعي?
Moderator says, "There's a questioner from Libya who ask questions as follows. What color are fit for Muslim clothing that is consistent with the Shari'a? "
الجواب: اللون هو أحسن الألوان بالنسبة لحجاب المرأة هو لون الأسواد لأن الغالب علي هذا اللون أنه لا يكون ملفتا للرجال.
Answer Sheikh Abdullah adh Dzimari, "The best color to wear is a black woman with two reasons. The first reason, the black color is usually not attractive and alluring views of men.
الأمر الثاني أن عائشة - رضي الله عنها - عندما ذكرت بعض نساء الصحابة - في رواية: نساء المهاجرين, و في رواية: نساء الأنصار - "رحم الله نساء المهاجرين عندما نزلت آية الحجاب عمدن إلي مروطهن وشققنها وحتي أصبحن كالغربان".
The second reason, when his wife Ayesha tells some of the Companions - on a history of saying 'the wives of the Companions Muhajeroon' but the others mentioned in the history of 'the wives of the Companions Anshor-"May Allah bestow his mercy to his wife Companions immigrants. When the verse about the veil down, they are torn curtain and then they wear the hijab, so they like a crow ".
عائشة تشابه النساء كالغراب و الغراب يكون كله أسود اللون لا يري عليه أثر البياض. فهذا هو الأقرب و يكون بعيدا من أي لون أو تفصيل أو شكل للزينة.هذا من ناحية اللون.
In this history, Ayesha equate the shahabiyah with crows. Bad sedangan crow that his entire body is black. There is no white color at all. This is the right color because by wearing clothes like this color, the woman concerned to avoid a color of clothing, patterns and motifs that dance the attention of the opposite sex.
و أما من ناحية الصفات فبعض أهل العلم ذكرثمان الصفات للحجاب الشرعي. أن يكون الحجاب فضفاضا واسعا, لا ضيقا, و أن يكون سميكا غليظا, لا شفافا و أن يكون هذا الحجاب من ثياب النساء, لا من ثياب الرجال و أن يكون سابغا للجسد كله لا يظهر شيئا من الجسد و أن يكون خاليا من العطور والبخور و غيرها من روائح. لأنها إذا خرجت لا يحل لها أن تخرج متعطرة أو متبخرة. وكذلك أن لا يكون ثوب الزينة. وكذلك أن لا يكون ثوب الشهرة. وكذلك أن لا تكون المرأة متشابة به بالكافرات.فمثل هذه الأوصاف ينبغي أن تراعي في الحجاب.
About the appropriate criteria Shari'a Muslim clothing, some scholars say there are eight criteria.
1) loose, roomy and not tight
2) thick and not transparent
3) model is the model used clothing women's clothing, not a model or dress form male
4) close the body perfectly so that none of the visible body parts
5) unscented because when exiting the house of a woman forbidden to wear perfume
6) do not attract the attention of the opposite sex
7) not the clothes look different that causes people who take it become famous in the community
8) is not model clothes that characterizes so with infidel women are like women to wear Muslim infidels. These criteria must be met when a Muslim want to dress to perfection.
و أما اللون فقد سمعتم. و إذا كان هناك لون آخر هادئ و هو مشهور في أوساط البلد اللتي تعيش فيهاهذه المرأة و لا تكون منفردة به فلا مانع إذا كان غير ملفت.
About the colors, have you guys know the best color. But if there is a soft color (not noticeable) than black commonly used by women in local communities so that if there is a Muslim who wear it so he does not become nyleneh in society it is not forbidden as long as the color of the clothes do not attract the attention of the opposite sex.This concludes the explanation of Sheikh Abdullah adh Dzimari.
From the above, it is clear that Muslim women wear the color black except it is allowed as long as your opponent does not draw attention. Valuation benchmarks colors that attract attention and not the 'urf or values prevailing in society.Therefore wear such clothing color is not lower levels and quality of the ahlisunnah's or the salafi's a Muslim.Therefore, a Muslim judge is Salafiyyah or not by seeing color or black headscarf law is something very wrong and unfounded.Although we are not denying that the black color as the clothes that are more afdhol Muslim. But the most troubling is that when black is used as a benchmark and the parameters whether a woman was or was not without foundation Salafiyyah arguments and science.
And Allaah knows best.
To assess the assumptions above, let us refer to the fatwa of a scholar expert Sunnah in Yemen at this time of Sheikh Abdullah bin Uthman Dzimari adz. The fatwa was he to say in a question and answer session after the lecture that he convey with the title 'Barokah Tamassuk bis Sunnah' (blessing Teguh Sticking to the Sunnah / Teachings of the Prophet). The lecture was to convey him on 19 1427 H Shofar on the radio ad Durus as Salafiyyah minal Yemen. His fatwa on Muslim women wear the color is exactly there at minute 59:47 - 1:02:39. Records of this study is on us.
Here is the transcript fatwa he and Translation.
القارئ: هذا السائل من ليبيا يقول ما الضابط للون بالنسبة لحجاب المرأة المسلمة الشرعي?
Moderator says, "There's a questioner from Libya who ask questions as follows. What color are fit for Muslim clothing that is consistent with the Shari'a? "
الجواب: اللون هو أحسن الألوان بالنسبة لحجاب المرأة هو لون الأسواد لأن الغالب علي هذا اللون أنه لا يكون ملفتا للرجال.
Answer Sheikh Abdullah adh Dzimari, "The best color to wear is a black woman with two reasons. The first reason, the black color is usually not attractive and alluring views of men.
الأمر الثاني أن عائشة - رضي الله عنها - عندما ذكرت بعض نساء الصحابة - في رواية: نساء المهاجرين, و في رواية: نساء الأنصار - "رحم الله نساء المهاجرين عندما نزلت آية الحجاب عمدن إلي مروطهن وشققنها وحتي أصبحن كالغربان".
The second reason, when his wife Ayesha tells some of the Companions - on a history of saying 'the wives of the Companions Muhajeroon' but the others mentioned in the history of 'the wives of the Companions Anshor-"May Allah bestow his mercy to his wife Companions immigrants. When the verse about the veil down, they are torn curtain and then they wear the hijab, so they like a crow ".
عائشة تشابه النساء كالغراب و الغراب يكون كله أسود اللون لا يري عليه أثر البياض. فهذا هو الأقرب و يكون بعيدا من أي لون أو تفصيل أو شكل للزينة.هذا من ناحية اللون.
In this history, Ayesha equate the shahabiyah with crows. Bad sedangan crow that his entire body is black. There is no white color at all. This is the right color because by wearing clothes like this color, the woman concerned to avoid a color of clothing, patterns and motifs that dance the attention of the opposite sex.
و أما من ناحية الصفات فبعض أهل العلم ذكرثمان الصفات للحجاب الشرعي. أن يكون الحجاب فضفاضا واسعا, لا ضيقا, و أن يكون سميكا غليظا, لا شفافا و أن يكون هذا الحجاب من ثياب النساء, لا من ثياب الرجال و أن يكون سابغا للجسد كله لا يظهر شيئا من الجسد و أن يكون خاليا من العطور والبخور و غيرها من روائح. لأنها إذا خرجت لا يحل لها أن تخرج متعطرة أو متبخرة. وكذلك أن لا يكون ثوب الزينة. وكذلك أن لا يكون ثوب الشهرة. وكذلك أن لا تكون المرأة متشابة به بالكافرات.فمثل هذه الأوصاف ينبغي أن تراعي في الحجاب.
About the appropriate criteria Shari'a Muslim clothing, some scholars say there are eight criteria.
1) loose, roomy and not tight
2) thick and not transparent
3) model is the model used clothing women's clothing, not a model or dress form male
4) close the body perfectly so that none of the visible body parts
5) unscented because when exiting the house of a woman forbidden to wear perfume
6) do not attract the attention of the opposite sex
7) not the clothes look different that causes people who take it become famous in the community
8) is not model clothes that characterizes so with infidel women are like women to wear Muslim infidels. These criteria must be met when a Muslim want to dress to perfection.
و أما اللون فقد سمعتم. و إذا كان هناك لون آخر هادئ و هو مشهور في أوساط البلد اللتي تعيش فيهاهذه المرأة و لا تكون منفردة به فلا مانع إذا كان غير ملفت.
About the colors, have you guys know the best color. But if there is a soft color (not noticeable) than black commonly used by women in local communities so that if there is a Muslim who wear it so he does not become nyleneh in society it is not forbidden as long as the color of the clothes do not attract the attention of the opposite sex.This concludes the explanation of Sheikh Abdullah adh Dzimari.
From the above, it is clear that Muslim women wear the color black except it is allowed as long as your opponent does not draw attention. Valuation benchmarks colors that attract attention and not the 'urf or values prevailing in society.Therefore wear such clothing color is not lower levels and quality of the ahlisunnah's or the salafi's a Muslim.Therefore, a Muslim judge is Salafiyyah or not by seeing color or black headscarf law is something very wrong and unfounded.Although we are not denying that the black color as the clothes that are more afdhol Muslim. But the most troubling is that when black is used as a benchmark and the parameters whether a woman was or was not without foundation Salafiyyah arguments and science.
And Allaah knows best.
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